How to Fix a Candle That Tunneled: Reviving Your Uneven Candles

If your candle has tunneled, the wick will only burn down the center of the candle, leaving a thick ring of wax around the edges. To fix a candle that tunneled, melt the wax around the edges using a heat gun or hair dryer. This will create an even surface and allow the wax to burn evenly. Make sure the wick is centered and straight before relighting the candle.

Candles are a great way to set the mood and create an atmosphere, but when they tunnel it can be disappointing. Tunneling is when the wax of a candle pools around the edges instead of burning evenly across its surface.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution for this problem – you can easily fix a tunneled candle with just two steps! All you need to do is melt the wax around the edge to make sure it’s even, then center the wick.

With these easy instructions, your candle will look as good as new in no time!

What Causes Tunneling In Candles?

Tunneling in candles is a common but frustrating issue for candle-makers. It’s like watching your hard work slowly melt away right before your eyes!

Tunneling occurs when the wax surrounding the wick melts at an uneven rate, creating an annoying hole or “tunnel” down the center of the candle. The burning rate and size of the wick can play major roles in tunneling due to their impacts on how evenly heat is distributed throughout the wax.

Thankfully, there are simple solutions that don’t require you to start over from scratch – all it takes is a few supplies and some know-how. With these tips, you’ll be able to make sure your candles burn perfectly every time.

So let’s get started with finding out what materials are needed to fix a tunneled candle?

What Materials Are Needed To Fix A Tunneled Candle?

When it comes to fixing a tunneled candle, there are several materials you need to have on hand. Candle making requires more than just wax and wick; the right tools can make all the difference in achieving an even surface for your candles.

Here is a list of items necessary for fixing a tunneled candle:

  • A heat source – this could be either a double boiler or a heat gun depending on the type of wax used
  • Various types of wax – paraffin, beeswax, soy, etc., will each require different temperatures when melting
  • Wick tabs – these metal bases provide support to ensure that the wick remains centered while burning
  • Wicks – there are many sizes available so choose one that fits well with the width of your container

Having these supplies ready makes it easy to melt the wax around the edges and create an even surface that’s perfect for candles. It also ensures that the wick stays centered when lit, allowing for optimal burning conditions.

With everything set up, you’ll be able to fix your tunneled candle quickly and easily.

How To Melt The Wax Around The Edges

Let’s start by talking about melting wax at home.

We’ll need to make sure we use a heat source safely to do this.

Melting Wax At Home

Candle safety is of the utmost importance, and melting wax around the edges can be a tricky task.

With just a few simple steps and burning techniques, you’ll be able to fix that tunneled candle at home without any hassle!

Start by making sure the wick is centered in the candle before heating up a pot of water on your stovetop or in your microwave.

Place the candle in the hot water until it melts enough for you to shape into an even surface – but make sure not to leave it in long enough to cause any damage.

Once you have achieved an even top layer, let cool completely before lighting again.

And there you have it – a quick and easy way to restore your favorite scented candle!

Using A Heat Source Safely

Now that you have the basics of melting wax down, it’s important to consider how to use a heat source safely.

Heat guns are great tools for larger candles and can be found at your local hardware store or online.

When using a heat gun, always point it away from yourself and others in the area.

Additionally, make sure to keep the temperature setting low enough so as not to cause any damage to the candle itself.

With these safety tips in mind, you’ll find melting wax around edges is much easier when using a heat gun!

Ensuring The Wick Is Centered

Once the wax around the edges has been melted, it’s time to focus on ensuring that the wick is properly centered. This step is crucial for proper burning of the candle and can make all the difference in achieving a successful burn every time.

To do this, you need to position your finger just above the surface of the wax and press down gently until you feel the wick move beneath your fingertip. You may need to adjust its placement slightly so that it sits right at the center of your candle.

It’s also important to keep an eye on how quickly or slowly your candle is burning during each session: if it appears to be tunneling, extinguish it immediately and start again with fresh wick placement tips.

Make sure not to leave a lit candle unattended as there could be potential hazards like fire risks involved. Additionally, try trimming off any excess charred material from previous burns before lighting up again – this will help prevent tunneling by keeping your flame close to the base of the wick rather than allowing it to reach too far into surrounding areas.

By following these simple steps and troubleshooting common issues along the way, you’ll have no problem fixing any candles that become tunneled due to improper care or use. With some patience and practice, soon enough you’ll be able to enjoy consistent performance from all of your candles without worrying about wasted product or hazardous conditions!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting common issues with tunneling is relatively straightforward.

First, make sure the wick is centered and burning safely; this will ensure that wax melts evenly around it.

Different types of wicks can require different heights for optimal performance; double-check to be sure yours is properly trimmed.

Finally, if your candle has already tunneled, you may need to melt the wax around the edges to create an even surface.

With these steps complete, you are ready to move on to tips to prevent tunneling in the future.

Tips To Prevent Tunneling In The Future

Tunneling can be a frustrating issue for anyone trying to enjoy their candle. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent tunneling from occurring in the future.

The first step is adjusting the length of your wick. A longer wick will cause more heat and quicker melting of wax than a shorter one. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on your wick and make sure it’s not too long or too short.

The second step involves adjusting your burning time. Candles should always be burned for no more than 4 hours at once and given sufficient time between uses to cool down and reset before being relit again. This will help ensure that all the wax melts evenly across the surface instead of creating a tunnel-like shape with excess buildup around the edges.

In order to effectively use candles without any issues, follow these two tips so that you get maximum enjoyment out of them every time!


Tunneling in candles can be an annoying problem, but it is easily fixable.

With a few simple steps and the right materials, you can have your candle back to burning evenly again.

It may take some trial and error at first, but with practice, you’ll find that fixing tunneled candles becomes easier each time.

So grab your supplies and get ready to bring your favorite candle back to life!