How to Make Candle Molds at Home: DIY Candle Making

Making candle molds at home is a fun and cost-effective way to create unique candles. Silicone, plastic, and metal are some of the commonly used materials for making candle molds. Silicone molds are flexible and easy to use, and come in various shapes and sizes. Plastic molds are lightweight and durable, and are available in a wide range of designs. Metal molds are sturdy and can withstand high temperatures, making them ideal for making large candles. Household items like bowls or jars can also be used as makeshift molds for creating small candles.

Making candle molds at home is a great way to save money and get creative with your projects. With just household items, like bowls or jars and materials such as silicone plastic or metal, you can make the perfect custom mold for any occasion.

This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to make your own candle molds right in the comfort of your own home.

Creating homemade candle molds isn’t difficult – all it takes is some patience and creativity! Once you have all the necessary supplies collected, this project won’t take long at all. So why not give it a try?

Read on to learn more about making candle molds at home.

Gathering Materials And Supplies

They say if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. But what if that ‘something’ is making a candle mold? Even the most DIY-savvy of us can find themselves scratching their heads when trying to figure out where to start when gathering supplies and choosing materials. So let’s make this easier on ourselves – we’ll tackle the task together!

When it comes to gathering supplies for your homemade candle mold, there are plenty of options available depending on what material you choose.

For example, silicone is one of the more popular choices as it’s fairly easy to work with and can easily be found in craft stores or online.

If metal is more your style, then a trip to the hardware store may be in order.

And don’t forget about household items like bowls or jars – perfect for those who want an even simpler approach!

Now that we’ve got our materials all gathered up, let’s move on to…

Preparing The Mold

When it comes to making candle molds at home, there are two routes one can take – buying molds or creating designs. Buying molds is a great option for those who don’t have the time or desire to make their own from scratch. Pre-made silicone plastic and metal molds come in many shapes and sizes, allowing you to find just what you need for your project.

However, if you’re up for the challenge of making something unique, then create your own mold! Household items such as bowls or jars can be used as templates when crafting your design out of materials like wood or clay. Be sure that any material chosen is heat resistant so that it doesn’t melt while melting wax inside of it.

Once the shape has been perfected and all pieces fit together securely, move onto mixing the wax…

Mixing The Wax

The next step in making candle molds is mixing the wax. This can be an art and a science, as there are many factors to consider when selecting and combining ingredients for your desired outcome. For instance, you’ll need to know the melting temperature of each type of wax used, so that they don’t separate from one another during heating.

You may also want to add fragrance or colorants to customize your candles’ scent selection. The possibilities are endless!

When it comes time to mix up your waxes together, start by slowly stirring them over low heat until completely melted. Make sure not to let the mixture get too hot, otherwise the scents could evaporate before setting into shape.

Once all components have been blended evenly, pour the liquid wax into prepared candle molds and allow them to cool and solidify before releasing them.

Now that everything has been prepped, we’re ready to move on to pouring the wax – our final phase of creating these unique homemade candles!

Pouring The Wax

Now that we’ve mixed the wax and added any desired scenting, it’s time to start pouring. It’s important to keep an eye on the temperature when doing this – too hot and you risk burning yourself, but if it’s too cold then your candles won’t set properly!

Here are some key points for successful pouring:

  • Make sure you use a thermometer to ensure the wax is not hotter than 180°F / 82°C.
  • Use a suitable container such as glass or metal. Avoid using plastic containers which could melt due to the heat of the wax.
  • Pour slowly and steadily into each mold in order to avoid air bubbles forming in the candles.

Once all molds have been filled with melted wax, allow them to cool at room temperature until they become solid before removing them from their molds. This usually takes around 4-5 hours, depending on how much wax has been used in each candle.

And now that our candles have cooled down, it’s time to move onto setting them up correctly…

Cooling And Setting The Wax

Once you have heated the wax and ensured it has reached the desired temperature, it is time to set the mold.

Depending on what type of wax hardness you are looking for in your candles, you may need to adjust the cooling process accordingly. For instance, if you want a softer candle with more flexibility, then you should allow the wax to cool at room temperature. If a harder candle is desired, then placing the molds in an ice bath can help reach that goal quickly.

When setting your wax in its mold, it can be helpful to use one of two methods: pouring or spooning. Pouring involves carefully ladling hot melted wax into each individual mold cavity before allowing them to cool completely; this method requires precise portion control and must be done slowly and evenly so as not to overfill the cavities.

Spooning entails pressing smaller amounts of already-cooled pieces of hardened wax into each mold cavity until they fill up; this method offers more control than pouring but takes longer overall.

No matter which technique you choose, make sure that all temperatures remain consistent throughout the cooling process – any sudden changes could cause air bubbles or blemishes within your finished candle!

Transitioning smoothly into the next step without any bumps will ensure a strong foundation for removing your newly made candles from their molds later on.

Removing The Candle From The Mold

Removing a candle from its mold can be tricky if you’re not careful. It’s important to take the necessary safety precautions when working with hot wax, such as wearing protective gloves and eyewear.

Here are four tips for removing your finished candle without damaging it:

  1. Allow the wax to cool completely — this will make it easier to remove the mold without breaking or cracking the candle.
  2. Run a butter knife around the edge of the container — this helps dislodge any stuck-on pieces that may be preventing easy removal of the candle.
  3. Place the mold in warm water — this helps soften up any stubborn areas, making them easier to work with.
  4. Carefully twist and push on both sides — gently twisting and pushing at different angles should help loosen up enough of the wax so that you can pull out your beautiful homemade creation!

Decorating candles is also fun – try adding extra embellishments like ribbons, glitter, beads, etc., for an extra special touch!

With these steps, you’re sure to have success in creating stunning candles from molds made at home!


Making your own candle molds at home is an exciting and cost-effective way to create unique candles.

From gathering materials, to pouring the wax and cooling it down, with a little patience and creativity you can make beautiful candles that will light up any room.

It’s amazing how much of a transformation happens in such a short period of time from just some basic ingredients!

With the wide range of possibilities available for making your own custom molds, there’s no limit to what kind of incredible creations you can come up with – truly one of life’s most mesmerizing experiences!